Black Entrepreneurship Is on the Rise

Black Entrepreneurship Is on the Rise

December 7, 2021

Sisters-in-law Ashley Billings and Zoe Baker both knew they could be strong business partners. After talking all summer last year, Baker took their discussions to another level in an email. 

“The email was the incorporation of our company and the application for our business license,” Billings recalled. “It was the moment when I thought, ‘We’re actually going to do this. We’re going to make this happen.’ And it was exciting because, coming off the social justice movement, we had been conscientious about buying Black and supporting small businesses. And now we were going to jump into the fray.”

Six months later, in May, she and Baker launched A+Z Collections, an online apparel boutique that provides affordable luxury vacation wear that can be worn on the beach or at dinner.

Read the source article at NBC News

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